Prayer Partnership

Prayer is powerful beyond comprehension. At Gillette Foursquare Church we are fully aware of the magnificent effects that can be had when we lift our hearts, minds, and words to God. Our prayer team is devoted and excited to pray for the needs of others, and we’re always open to your prayer requests. No matter the scenario, if you or someone you know is need of prayer, please know that you are invited and encouraged to submit your name and request below. It is completely optional to leave your name, however, we take our prayer requests with utmost significance so please keep in mind that your submission will only be shared with our prayer team and will be kept completely confidential. 

We would like to give you the opportunity to share your prayer request. If you or anyone you know is in need of prayer, please feel free to submit a request below. Your name is optional, but we do take your request seriously so please keep in mind that this will be fully confidential and only shared with our prayer team.

Please contact us now with your prayer request.